My sister and the 3 kids came down on their spring break. We had so much fun with them and wish they could've stayed even longer. It was so great to get to see them for an extended period of time. We miss being able to go to their sporting events, birthdays, and just watch them grow as people. Marina is the best baby ever and I don't think she cried for more that 30 seconds the whole week. Nathan is becoming such a little man and has such a tender heart. Macy is the funniest little girl ever and makes everyone laugh - you are a princess indeed. Sara has always been a great sister and we have only grown closer. We had some funny moments especially when I did the dishes with Marina's bottle scrubber - it worked really well - I kept asking myself when did we get this for the dishes (never occurred to me that it was Sara's used to clean the bottles). Y'all come back here and visit real soon like now.