Monday, March 24, 2008

Jump Rope & Gymnastics

We made it out to the last home gymnastics meet of the year. We have loved going to these. Before the meet started they had an elementary school jump rope team - this was the second time we have seen them and they are unbelievable. It makes you tired just watching them. I can't imagine how many hours it would take to learn everything they do and with the skill they do it with.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holland, MI

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While in Holland my father in law and I went out with our cameras to see what we could capture. He used to be a professional photographer and I love learning how to shoot from him.  I must say that I have become quite the wuss when it comes to cold weather - after a couple minutes out I wished I was back indoors again.  But like my father in law says the best of pictures usually happen in bad weather - so get used to it.  

Abbi Page

While I was in MI I got a ton of great pics of my nieces and nephews.  Abbi and I had some great bonding time.  One day she ended up falling asleep on me and that was the greatest thing in the world.  She is such a cutie - Love you Abbi.  

Marina & The Kids

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We turned my sisters living room into an indoor studio - it was very makeshift but turned out pretty well.  Marina is such a content little baby - I love her so much.  She has the biggest eyes ever.  My sis and the kids are coming down to Bama soon and I am sure I will have a ton more photos of them shortly.  Can't wait to see you all again.  

Monday, March 17, 2008

Grace Is On The Way

Right now I am in Michigan visiting family and loving every minute of it. The weather is obviously a lot colder and dirty snow still lingers in the parking lots all over town. We have been staying in Holand visiting my sister and brother n'laws and the new addition Abbi Page. We headed east to Jackson where my family lives. My nieces and nephews are so adorable - I have missed them a ton. My sister Lora is 34 weeks prego and little baby Grace will be here in 6 short weeks. It was a lot of fun spending time with the family and taking pictures - I will have several more to post soon.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Beauty All Around Pt2

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I have found a couple places here in Tuscaloosa that are amazingly beautiful. They are great sites for portraits and great places just to take in the sites & sounds.

ATL Georgia

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This last weekend I was in ATL Georgia for a training - the training was in a remodeled warehouse right near the heart of downtown. In the back of the warehouse the old part of the building was being torn down and it made for some fun photo. While I was there I walked to Grady Memorial Hospital where people that can't afford health insurance go to be treated it is one of the best trauma hospitals in the nation. While I was at Grady I was thinking about an opportunity to give my talents back to the community. I had the idea of taking new born baby pictures for families that would not be able to afford to hire someone. I was also thinking of doing family portraits for low income families as well. If you are a photographer consider doing this in your area - I am going to link up some other photographers to do this in the fall I will post more details in the future.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chance & Jenny Engaged

To view more photos from Jen & Chance's engagement and to order prints from this album ::CLICK HERE ::

Jenny is one of our neighbors and is one of the most friendly people we know. She knows everyone in our community and I dubbed her president of our apartment complex. Jenny and Chance have a great story and we have loved getting to know them better. Chance is a local boy who played college football at NC state - he pretty much could crush me at any point but is really a big teddy bear. We have shared a lot of laughs so far and hopefully only continue laughing and sharing life together. They also might be the easiest couple to take pictures of - I think they both secretly want to be models.